Chairs …………………… Desiree Gunning, Nancy Hagen

Treasurer …………………………………. Angela Soukoulis

The Dionysus (Greek god of wine) Circle meets the 4th Tuesday at 6:30 pm in members’ homes or a location designated by the hostesses for enjoyment and understanding of wine in a convivial atmosphere. The hostess team selects the wines for tasting and provides appropriate food pairings. Dues are $50 annually to cover the cost of the wines sampled.  Membership is limited.

September 26

Hostesses …………………………………. Nancy Hagen, Lisa Vaknin

October 24

Hostesses ……………… Brenda Petersen, Joanne Van Dyke

November 28

Hostesses ………………… Rhoda Carney, Colleen Schwartz

January 23

Hostesses……………………………Marlene Geiger, Shari Glenn

February 22 (4th Thursday)

Location ……………………………… Wheatsfield Cooperative

March 26

Hostesses ………………………………….Desiree Gunning, Claire Kruesel
Angela Soukoulis

April 23

Hostesses ………………………………Sue Cunningham, Nancy Hagen
Eileen Muff