Chairs/Programs ………………………….. Judy Dahlke, Jonie Fitzsimmons
Janet Gebler

For the past 104 years, this group has enjoyed learning about nature and the environment, worldwide, via fascinating speakers, outings, and shared fellowship. Meetings are held the last Wednesday, 1:30 pm, at the Green Hills Community Dining Room, 2205 Green Hills Dr., unless noted otherwise. An early morning bird walk is held in mid-May. Dues are $5 per year. Membership is open.

August 31
11 am – 1 pm

BYO Sack Lunch
“History and Future of Moore Memorial Park”
by Joshua Thompson, Parks and Facilities Superintendent
Location ….. Moore Memorial Park, Coneflower Shelter
3050 Northridge Pkwy

September 28

“What Would You Like to Know About Ledges?”
by Andy Bartlett, Ledges State Park Manager
Location …….. Ledges State Park, 1515 P Av, Madrid

October 26

“An African Wildlife Adventure”
Speaker……………………………………………..Jim Pease, PhD
Emeritus Associate Professor
Natural Resource Ecology and Mgmt, ISU
Hostesses …………………… Mary Ann Dilla, Judy Mongin

January 25

“Environmental Books to Enjoy on a Winter Day”
Speaker…………………………………………Rebekah Beall
Story County Conservation Naturalist
Hostesses ………………………………… Judy Dahlke, Janet Gebler

February 22

“Natural Peru”
Speaker…………………………………………….Doug Harr
Big Bluestem Audubon Society
Hostesses ……………………….. Barbara Brown, Jonie Fitzsimmons

March 29

“Ames Climate Action Plan (ACAP)”
Speaker…………………………….Merry Ranken and Members of the ACAP
Hostesses ……….. Sally Burchfield, Marion Chenhall

April 26

“Flood Mitigation”
Speaker………………………Tracy Peterson, Ames Municipal Engineer
Hostesses …………………. Jonie Fitzsimmons, Linda Trudeau

May 17 (3rd Wednesday)

“Bird Walk” – 7:30 am
Guide…………………Mike Meetz, Retired ISU Assistant Scientist
Location ………………. McFarland Park, 56461 180th St
Hostesses………………….Mary Eileen Buck, Margaret Torrie