Chairs ……………… Amy Fletcher, VaLinda Parsons
Brenda Thorbs-Weber
Advisor …………………………………… Barbara Splett

Newcomers is open to all first and second year ISUWC members. It provides an opportunity to meet new friends while becoming familiar with the facets and groups which make up the greater ISU Women’s Club. The group meets the 2nd Thursday at 10 am, unless noted otherwise, with  lunch as an option.

October 13

Hint of Fall at Reiman Gardens
Location ………………………………. Reiman Gardens
1407 University Blvd
Lunch…………………………The IowaStater Restaurant

November 10

Growing Hydroponically:  Let us Eat Lettuce
Location……………………. Nebullam, Inc.
ISU Research Park, 2500 N. Loop Dr. Suite 7550
Lunch—————————–Provisions, Lot F

December 8

Handblown Glass
Location……………………………. Ciccotti Art Glass Studio
2306 258th St, Napier
Lunch………………………………..Cafe  Milo

January 12

Inside a Food Cooperative
Location ……………………. Wheatsfield Cooperative
413 Northwestern Av
Lunch…………………………Wheatsfield Cooperative

February 9

Bird’s Eye View of City Government
Location ………… Ames City Hall, Chamber Room, 2nd Floor
515 Clark Av
Lunch………………Great Harvest Bakery and Cafe

March 9

Cute Cuddly Critters
Location …… Ames Animal Shelter
325 Billy Sunday Rd.
Lunch……………………………..The Mucky Duck Pub

April 13

ISU Tasty Treats
Location ……………….. ISU Creamery, Food Science Bldg
Rm 295, 536 Farmhouse Ln

May 11

All the Buzz about Beekeeping
Location ……………………… ISU Horticulture Research Station
55519 170th St, Gilbert
Lunch ……………………………………………………..TBA