Chairs ………………………….. Holly Greufe, Kim Zahnle

The WOW group meets the 4th Thursday in the afternoon. The exact time varies depending on the location. The focus of this group is to appreciate and learn about wine by exploring a variety of wine tasting opportunities in central Iowa. The monthly coordinator(s) arranges the location; refreshments are provided by members when appropriate. Costs vary depending on the program and are shared among the members. Membership is limited.

September 22

Coordinators …………….. Holly Greufe, Amy Zehr

October 27

Coordinators ………………………. Jule Larson, Linda Thompson

November 17 (3rd Thursday)

Coordinators ……………………….. Jeanette Dieterich, Ellen Janke

January 26

Coordinators ……………….. Mary Holmer, Ellen Janke, Donna Sogard

February 23

Coordinators …………………. Carla Sacco, Kerry Weeces
Location ……………………………………. Wallaby’s Bar & Grill

March 23


Coordinators ………………………………………………………..TBA

April 27

Coordinators ……………… Mavis Butler, Terri Hasselman

May 25

Coordinators …………… Shari Glenn, Donna Sogard